25 May 2011

Making way for the pigeons

I have been focusing so much on the painful things in life that the ridiculous totally escaped me . The last two months have had life nudging at us and making us laugh out loud when we saw what is happening to us. We are slowly being edged out of our own home space, not by the big baddies of the world but - would you even believe it? - a bunch of pigeons and squirrels and the occasional crow.

It is ridiculous when you think of it - We are the ones usually toted the villains of the piece, the insensitive humans driving out the birds and flowers out of existence. But in this case, starting from the way the birds built up their encroachment, it's nothing short of a strategic well-planned advent.

They first built a nest on the small hole surrounding the exhaust fan in the kitchen. On the outside of course. And we were all like " oh how sweet"... and then it was the balcony adjoining it and now the front balcony. Step by step sure as it can be, It's a damn takeover bid If you ask me. Now they flock in groups of two and three into our balcony and we keep shooing them away. They then invite crows and other friendly neighbourhood visitors, the adventurous squirrel once started to make tentative visits , now it's there all the time, shrieking its head off!!!

Well the jasmine plants in our narrow balcony don't seem to mind. But I sure do, and you would too, if your only balcony is sprayed all over with generous doles of white pigeon shit - you would not have time to exclaim that a few birds can produce so much in a day before the next load arrives!!!

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