22 June 2010

Visit to Nilgiris - The Birds

Clouds were floating about noiselessly seeming menacing in the distance and misty when close. Our visit was full of beauty and a dynamic silence. Strangely, I felt as if I breathed in quanta of unclassified knowledge along with gulps of the cold, misty, pure, clean air. There was a curious self-transforming magic there, I realised later.

But alongside drinking in this intoxicating presence, I kept registering subconsciously the birds that flew in and out of the white, blotted-out vista and storing their pictures in my mind.

Here is a list of birds that I spotted. Though I have no pictures, I thought I'd mention them here just to share the information with like-minded readers.

(1) Crested Serpent Eagle
(2) Grey Partridge
(3)Grey Jungle Fowl
(4) Spotted Dove
(5) Nilgiri Wood Pigeon
(6) Blue-winged Parakeet
(7) Alpine Swift
(8) Hoopoe
(9) Indian Goldenbacked Three-toed Woodpecker (well! not sure about the number of toes, that looked like the most-probable option after consulting Salim Ali's book, but definitely goldenbacked.)
(10) Rufousbacked Shrike
(11) Scarlet Minivet (One Red Male and One Yellow Female/young one)
(12) Redwhiskered Bulbul
(13) Yellowbrowed bulbul
(14) Nilgiri Laughing Thrush
(15) Pied Bush Chat

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