29 September 2012

A rose by any other name

The latest crib is about my name... wish it was smaller - my brother-in-law once said there cannot be a woman who wouldn't be happier thinner and richer. Well here's one that conforms to his idea, but wishes not only were she thinner but also that her name were smaller. Reason - why it's simple - only if it is shorter would my readers - already tired and world weary - would get up, open their email and type the letters and respond to my articles by sending in readers' comments...

Well, I am joking at least partly on the above. Names are always a pain, at least your own are always. they are too bland, too boring , too, long or too short or some such thing... after all not everyone can be a Mimusops Elengi or an Erythrina indica or an Azotobacter or an Anthurium... 

One thing I am glad about is my name being long allows a half-length shortening which sounds adorable. Well not by itself but it sounds adorable because its a half-length shortened form... sort of friendly like..

There was a rush once among parents to name their child something beginning with an A... suddenly you could see little Adityas and Akilas and Anands and Aditis frolicking in the playgrounds merrily... no doubt with the subtext that the race had begun and there was only room for the alphas... My parents thankfully gave me a lethargic S as an initial... It was an S that shaped my whole life and attitude no doubt. Come to think of it the Anands and Aarathis (spelt correct believe me) in my life were just that weeny bit more aggressive -
(no that's a lie -- they were much much more aggressive than that)...

There seems to be no way out of this I am committed to a long set of names...  in practice. However there is a way out in principle - I have all these characters I write about - what a lot of names to name. I can exercise every idea in my head and satisfy every longing too by naming my characters as I please.
Don't be surprise next if you come across a story about a Mimus or a Rina or an Anthuria...

Good Day!

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