13 September 2009

Love 'em All / Hate 'em all - just get some answers down!

We live in a country which is really young, in world timescales, a young democracy. Yet, already it seems that independance has left only the taste of ashes, the odour of hypocrisy and the quelling suffocation of the pillars of democracy by greedy power structures...

Ok, what am I trying to say here? To cut the crap and come to the point, this short essay is a reaction to the issue that is enraging the public now - the stifling of journalists' voices in Srilanka - the killing of Lasantha Wickramasinghe and sentencing of Thissainayagam to jail for twenty years.

At a meeting to denounce this held by the Save Tamils movement, eminent speakers and journalists spoke very sensibly and seriously. In a very intelligent approach to the way this question has been debated in Tamilnadu, the speakers also questioned India's role in the politics of the Lankan War and such happenings as jailing of journalists that have happened in our country as well.

Why is this business treated as a Tamils problem? Is not Srilanka as much a neighbour to Kerala and Karnataka and Andhra as it is to Tamilnadu, and such atrocities as are being forced there on people, ought they not affect all humans and neighbours equally?

Since all political parties here have been tainted with the same tarry brushes, to the point when there is no simple reason to choose one over the other. It would seem to me, now that they have all made their positions secure, at least for the purpose of making their power games more challenging and interesting, they would all get down to playing clean and meaningful politics with the goal of finding a solution to problems at hand!

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