05 May 2009

Bonsai report for the month

Hi fellow Gardening Enthusiasts!

I have something good to report on my Bonsai experiments.
I have tried to grow four flowering trees in a pot (that's what Bonsai is).

They are:

Maghizham (Mimusops Elengi, L; common name - Bullet Wood; Evergreen)

Shennbagham (Michealia Champaka, Threatened Species)

Pavazhamalli (Nyctanthes arbortristis; common name: Night/Coral Jasmine, Parijaat)

Manoranjitham (Artobotrys (hexapetalus) odorotissimus; Harichampa, climbing ylang ylang).

The Maghizham is now in season, as are all flowers including the ones listed above. I had put it in the only rectangular pot I had which was abut six inches deep and had nearly vertical sides. I pruned the roots and leaves three months ago.

It's a week now since this specimen has let out a new shoot and I think I am succeeding in making it grow at an angle between 45 and 50 degrees to the ground!



  1. I live in Connecticut, USA. I used to live in Thiruvanmiyur. I was looking to grow all four above plants here in pots.It snows here, so I have to bring them in winter. Are yours doing well? I am so happy to see your blog post. Is shenbagam yellow or white variety?

    1. Hi Deepa,
      Glad to know about your effort and my best wishes that your plants do well. I do not have a happy story to narrate about my plants however! My shenbagam was the yellow variety...


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